• " S Tamil School Inc. "- A Registered Non-Profit Organization
  • " Goal " - Teaching Tamil Language and Nurture Tamil Culture in Children
  • " Parent Volunteers "- Quality Teaching by Passionate Parent Volunteers
  • " American Tamil Academy Syllabus "- Tailored and Formulated for Kids Living in USA
  • " Tamil Culture Enrichment "- Students Perform Cultural Programs During Festivals
  • " Join us "- Be part of this endeavor by volunteering and supporting

For Teachers and Volunteers

  • 2023-24 Teacher Training has been Scheduled on Saturday, Aug 26th 2023
  • Time : 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Location: Will be announced shortly

New Textbooks and Curriculum:

SA Tamil School Management, Academic Team and Teachers have decided to adopt new textbooks developed and released by Texas Tamil Academy (TTA - https://texastamilacademy.org/textbooks. These books are designed based on TEA’s (Texas Education Agency’s) LOTE (Language Other Than English) TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) curriculum requirements. SA Tamil School Team was collaborating with Houston Tamil School Team during the last year to introduce these books to our teachers.

Why do we need this change? What are the advantages?

(i) We have been following American Tamil Academy (ATA) Textbooks from 2016. However, we received feedbacks from both parents and teachers that the lessons and exercises were difficult as they were too heavy on grammar

(ii) In order to approach local school districts and request approval for LOTE High School credit for our higher-level students, need a curriculum that is aligned with TEA-TEKS for foreign language courses

(iii) Above all Houston ISD has approved these textbooks and we can use that as precedent for our local ISDs

Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Following curriculum, textbooks and teaching classes
  • Encouraging students in their learning and evaluating their work and progress
  • Supervising student behavior and maintaining classroom discipline
  • Demonstrating good citizenship and equal respect for all the students and parents
  • Communicating with parents regarding student performance and behavior
  • Please refer to the Teacher Handbook for more detailed information on Teacher responsibilities, School Calendar, Lesson Plan and Teaching Pedagogy for each class.


Students are the focus of our school and their holistic growth in addition to learning the Tamil language will be encouraged by our school. We welcome any elder member or parents to volunteer to mentor and guide the students in their various needs like understanding concepts of grammar, speaking practice, listening and understanding, etc. San Antonio Tamil School is always looking for Volunteer teachers for our various classes. If you or someone that you know is interested but not quite sure what this commitment entails please feel free to contact us at the email: satamilschool@gmail.com

Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities:

Useful Links for Teachers:

Vision and Mission

We, the San Antonio Tamil School community (parents / teachers / management), envision all students to develop skills and knowledge to communicate effectively in their ...

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San Antonio Tamil School (SA Tamil School) was founded in the year 2005 by few passionate parents to teach their young children their ...

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